A Good Person

(16) (02hr 21min


Allison is a young woman with a wonderful fiance, a blossoming career, and supportive family and friends. However, her world crumbles in the blink of an eye when she survives an unimaginable tragedy, emerging from recovery with an opioid addiction and unresolved grief…………..

Starring – Florence Pugh, Morgan Freeman, Celeste O’Connor

21 Apr – 27 Apr
(2D) Daily: 11:30, 17:15, 20:00


Contact Us


If there is anything you would like to enquire, please feel free to contact us


Tel: (+268) 2416 3552

The Gables Shopping Centre
Old Mbabane Rd
Ezulwini Valley, Swaziland


Movie Prices

Normal E62.00 3D Normal price E72.00
Kids (under 16 years) E48.00 3D Kids (under 16 years) E58.00
Pensioners E48.00 3D Pensioners E58.00
Wednesdays 1/2 price E31.00 3D Wednesdays 1/2 price E36.00
3D Glasses (once off purchase) E16.00